ARTICLES OF Gabriel Deasy
A Longing for the Sea
26 Mar, 2018 | Gabriel Deasy
The motivations, and complications, of Bolivia’s UN bid for access to the PacificAt the time of writing, it is early March. Headlines describing the construction of an originally 70-kilometre – now 20...
Dismantling Bureaucracy in Bolivia
26 Mar, 2018 | Gabriel Deasy
Photo: Iván RodriguezAGETIC: The Electronic GovernmentThe process of dismantling bureaucracy is often no less futile than erasing a sentence with a highlighter. Sometimes, in the name of debureaucrati...
21 Maneras de no Suicidarse
26 Mar, 2018 | Gabriel Deasy
Illustration: Maz Cul A review of a satirical take on suicideAbsurdist, perverse, comical, creative, insightful: 21 Maneras de no Suicidarse, or 21 Ways Not to Commit Suicide, is both an humorou...